What is interespect?

The five steps for communicating interespect can be presented in the following way:

In order to properly conduct this dialogue, I highly value the interactive type of training, where personal exchange is the focus, with the support of especially designed exercises.

The concept of interespect

Interespect is a word created from “intercultural” and “respect”. This respect is the necessary basis for the proverbial house, the front door of which leads to intercultural and interreligious similarities, differences and other topics.

In short – it´s for everyone!

Regardless of whether you are involved with different cultures through your career or personal life, are a foreigner yourself and want to know more about German culture or are moving abroad.

The different training models will provide you with a starting point.

The goals to be achieved with interespect training are entirely your own! You might want to become more interculturally aware through a crash course, i.e. a lecture, or are aiming to structurally learn about intercultural competencies – the choice is entirely up to you. The different training models available range from intercultural awareness to training and learning about intercultural competencies.

The practical application shows through everyday intercultural encounters. Interespect is not about controlling how you act towards certain cultures, but aims to increase the understanding behind certain behaviors and behind some recurring misunderstandings stemming from both sides.

As someone who has grown up with both Moroccan and German cultural backgrounds, I am aware of the value of learning and understanding.

When you open yourself to other cultures, it is easy to see how much we have in common, as well as how much we can learn from each other.

Please refer to the participant testimonials and references.

The following training models are available:

Different training models deal with the following content:

  • The explanation and definition of “interespect”
  • The role of stereotypes and prejudice
  • The interaction between religion and culture
  • Similarities and differences between cultures
  • Practical application
5-10 2-hour sessions
8-hour sessions over 2 -3 days
A 4-8-hour session in one day
A 2-4 hours on in one day
As per choice of the participant(s)
Seminar room
Seminar room or lecture hall
Lecture hall or a conference room

*Show-ing comes from the word ´´show´´ and is a half – day or an entire day event, potentially with catering and guest speakers in a location of your choice.

Interactive lectures 2-3 hours

  • What can we learn from children about interespect?”
  • “Foreigners in Germany and Germans abroad – a change of perspective.”
  • “What am I allowed to say or think? Discrimination in everyday life!”

Interespect training also offers further content such as:

  • Work and self – organization
  • Conflict management
  • Training over the phone

Haven´t found what you were looking for?

Please do not hesitate to express your own wishes or suggestions. Interespect training has no limits.

Element 2

Mohamed El Boujaddaini
50226 Frechen (near Cologne)

Mobile phone:+49 174 9916107